Sunday, September 7, 2008

September 7th, 2008 7:50 p.m.

I woke up late today, 5:10 a.m. I rushed with my shower (which was warm), did morning puja, and sat and watched Rinpoche until the room got too full. I met a man from Ohio today. He is a nagkpa. He spoke broken English which still surprises me when I mean an American with broken English. I asked him how I could learn about the nagkpa vows and he told me about a book.

I went to Boudha and couldn’t find it. Did Kora. Came back and watched Rinpoche some more since the room had cleared out a bit more. I met a nice Tibetan man named Tinlay who is a Tibetan teacher. We talked a bit. Rinpoche told him that before I leave we will make an appointment with him so that he can translate a secret vajra mantra for me that Rinpoche is going to empower me with that will clear obstacles, no matter what they are. Very cool! I can’t wait, just wish it was now!

Then Dechen and I went to Patin to purchase more lockets (I know they have a Tibetan name, but I’m not sure what it is). Patin is a much cleaner place than Boudha. Tons and tons of old temples. Way cool place. We didn’t stay too long as I know Dechen has a ton of work to do today. Will we were in Patin Rinpoche performed a Chod Powa for a Tibetan man that had passed in a retirement center.

I then sat in on the little monks English class for a bit. Anna ran and checked out my traditional Tibetan garb. All of it was perfect, except for one shirt which is being modified for me.

We then learned there was a candle service for the Dalai Lama’s brother who passed away today at the Stupa. So we ran my clothes back and then ran back to the Stupa. It was sooooo cool! I took a video of the Tibetan’s gathered singing Tibet’s National Anthem. You will have to wait till I get home to see that.

We got back in time for our evening Chod puja to find that Rinpoche had been called away suddenly for another puja. He just returned from that. I’m sitting in almost absolute darkness again.

Kathmandu does not have enough power for everyone so we lose power here 3 hours a day. I prefer when it is in the day time, but every other night it is during the night time. It won’t come back on till 9 p.m. Makes the evening time fun!

But Anna and I were prepared this time. We had our candles all ready to go. Normally when it goes out at night we don’t get to chant along because we can’t see our text. The monks either have it memorized or they have a light or something.

I am so sticky today. I sweat the whole day long. One big salt lick! And tired and hot, especially without the fan on. I’m going to study a bit and then go to sleep. Come on power!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow, I hope you'll share the secret with us!