Tuesday, September 2, 2008

4:27 a.m. September 2nd, 2008 Nepalese time

Where do I begin? I will try to go chronologically. During my flight from Delhi to Kathmandu the first thing I noticed was the clouds. They began to change from mundane to magickal. Dragons and lots of dragons sat in the clouds watching. Then beings started appearing. Then stairs.

Then the mountains began peeking through the tops of the clouds. What a wonder! I feel like I am traveling to the land of the Gods. And then, a whole world appeared between the mountains. I cannot explain it. It was like Shangri-la. I would go into it more, however words cannot describe this cloud city.

The clouds became massive. We are entering a sacred land. As the plane began to descend, it was like we were slipping between the Mother’s legs to enter her womb. The undulating earth began to appear through windows framed by massive cloud people.

I took lots of photos and even recording our landing in hopes to give you an idea of the sacredness.

Getting through the airport was a bit interesting. I am pretty sure the bank that exchanged my money cheated me out of over a hundred dollars from what I can figure. I am learning though.

I got my photo taken, got my 30 day visa, and then walked right out of the airport. No customs stop or anything.
I almost cried when I saw Dechen. Such a welcome face after my long journey. Anna, a woman originally from the US who moved to Nepal 14 years ago and just in the last 10 months (if I remember correctly) became a nun, was also at the airport to meet me. It was so wonderful. I felt like a dignitary. They were waving katas (silk scarves) at me and then placed them around my neck.

They then found a taxi (after much haggling) to take us back to the monastery. This is a place like none other than I have been to. The noise, the traffic, the wall to wall building and person. Anna and Dechen talked to me the whole way to the monastery.

Anna is now my newest best friend. She is an older woman with 4 grown children, 2 of them adopted. She looks sooooo much like my adopted mom. Anna is my personal slave, hehehe, for the next couple of days. Her only tasks are to take me wherever I want, to help me out in any way, she is sooo awesome!

Lama Wangdu was still seeing a few more people when we arrived. He works too hard, too many long days!

I cannot express how honored I am. My room is a good sized room above Lama Wangdu’s reception room and right next to his temple room. There is a bathroom up on this floor and a kitchen.

I threw my stuff in my room. Changed and cleaned up a bit. Had some food to eat and lots of water to drink. The food was some barbequed chicken, a spicy top ramen, and potatoes with cumin? and noodles. They stuffed me completely full. Oh and a lovely cup of Tibetan tea. I LOVE Tibetan tea.

I have had Tibetan tea on a few other occasions. It is tea that is brewed in milk with yak butter and salt. Traditionally the more rancid the butter the better the tea. I haven’t had it with rancid butter. This tea is so super yummy!

Dechen and Anna introduced me to the monks. They are sooooo cute. I can’t wait to talk to them some more. They then showed me around the monastery.

I went and freshened up a bit more and then Anna took me out into Boudha. She explained that people will stare me down. Get used to it because they are curious and it isn’t considered rude to stare here. And stare they do! I guess my freakishly tall height makes me something even more to gawk at. I feel like I am grown into gigantic proportions over night.

Later on, Anna, another monk, and I walked to the Stupa. Oh my goodness. What an amazing, electrifying place!

Then I took a nap and when to the puja. Ate a bit and then crashed hard. I slept really solidly till 1 a.m.

When I changed after arriving I found that my ankles had swollen really bad. I now have sausage legs. My hands have been swelling since. And in the middle of the night I started my period hard… I mean hard. Fun!

Over the last year, I have become increasingly sensitive to energy. I will start my period a week after I just completed my cycle because of a powerful experience. I hope I don’t have a constant period while I am here! I didn’t bring enough tampons and pads for that!

Oh and I can shower here. Don’t drink the water or let it get into your mouth. And beware, there is no hot water here!

I am so excited for my day! Anna is going to take me to get my Tibetan dress made today for pujas.

Wish I could say more, but I need to run. I’ve got to get in my morning meditations before puja starts at 5:20 a.m. Don’t think I will complete them in time, but that’s ok.

I love you Tim! Give all my babies hugs and kisses for me! Except give Bella licks and pinches.

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