Sunday, August 31, 2008

Day One

Well, I can’t believe I’m doing it. This hurts! I can’t believe that I chose to leave my family for a month, 32 days to be exact! I’m having troubles writing about it as I’m tearing up again. Madalyn was so sweet and tender as I said my good byes. Anna had to be silly in order to keep from crying. I know the little ones will miss me, especially Lily, but they were too excited at the moment because grandma was on her way over.

Tim was crying. I kept telling him silly things. Pinched his nipple for crying. I felt like I had run over his dog.

Just took a short break for some sea salt and vinegar pretzel nuggets and ginger ale. I am exhausted. It feels good not to be running constantly any more.
I have a really cool monitor in front of me. I can choose to watch a program, but instead I am watching a moving map of where I am. I am currently southwest of Calgary in the Purcell Mountain range. 7 hours and 48 minutes remaining.

Oh my goodness, I want to smoke. Tim told me that nicotine gum really helps. Whatev. The instructions say to chew until “peppery”, they mean until so nasty you’d rather lick out a well used ashtray than chew the gum. Kack! And I’m sorry but I love the whole inhaling part. I asked Tim if I was supposed to inhale the gum. Dang it!

I am currently flying on a 777. First class has those cool seat/beds. So jealous! Wonder if I can upgrade on the way home. So in my seat was a blanket, pillow, and a bag. In the bag is headphones, socks, eyeshades, toothbrush, and toothpaste. Oh and dinner is almost served. I’m flying on British Airways, do you think they’ll serve hagus?

Friday, August 29, 2008

Today's Agenda

-Wake up. Gonna be a long, slow process.
-Take Anna to pick up her schedule and get set up in her locker.
-Take Grandma to Wal-mart.
-get money. I'm hoping the ATM machine will be like the Uno Attack game.
I need some cash for the trip in case there is a strike in Kathmandu when I
-run by the Healing Center to do some final paperwork.
-cut the boys' hair.
-continue packing.
-Family Party Night!!! Woot! The kids and I will get jiggy with it!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Almost ready to go

Well, this month has been a huge roller coaster! When I embarked on planning this pilgrimage I would have never guessed the changes. One of my best friends lost her husband suddenly.

After all my training I found a hole in it. The pain you feel for your friends and loved ones as they grieve. I was not close to my friend's husband, but her pain was so imminent. I hold her in my prayers, thoughts, and love as she moves into new territory and makes a new life for herself. The intensity of pain I felt for her was very unexpected.

Helping to plan and set up for the wake was an unexpected addition to my schedule. I am very honored that I was allowed to help in any way that she needed. My husband and I then lead our first Rite of Release. I had not expected to use my clergy skills in such an intense manner so quickly.

A local store that my husband and I lead several public events at announced they were closing at the end of August... mid July. Well, Spirit has been nagging me to finally get my practice up and running outside of my home for oh! only about a year. Time to grow up and be a big girl. I, of course, procrastinated till the last minute.

So at the beginning of August I started meeting with a CPA, reading over business plans to glean ideas, business-y big girl stuff... and trying to find an actual office space to rent. I had about given up on finding space before I left when an office almost fell into my lap. 2 weeks later and we have a beautiful Center, a website, business cards, big girl stuff, and a hecka powerful blessing ritual involving all of our beloved community. Pretty exciting stuff!

The kids will be returning to school while I am gone so the usual school stuff needed to get done before I left. A couple of trips to get vaccinations, school supplies, school clothes, registering Bella for kindergarten, etc...

I will be missing our local Pagan Pride Day this year. Not too cool for someone on the Board of Directors. But, I did my best to fulfill as much of my responsibilities as possible before leaving. Not a small task, but I am very happy with how much I was able to prepare my husband for covering for me while I am gone. And the other Board of Directors will be picking up in other areas that I won't be able to cover. I am very thankful to have such great friends!

Then there is the normal coven stuff that needed to be taken care of. Classes scheduled, an agenda planned for the Elders Retreat (which thankfully was moved to October so that I could attend), etc...

And our public events... I worked my heiny off. I have never worked so solidly, so hard, for so long. I sit here typing this almost moved to tears. Maybe everything catching up with me, maybe extreme gratitude, maybe...

It is amazing how gratefully, humbling, and honoring Spirit brings us experiences. I really wanted lots of time to process my upcoming pilgrimage. I didn't get it and probably for many, many good reasons. I feel so grounded, so ready, and so thirsty for this experience. My soul knows that we are coming up to a whirling vortex of extremeness! Bring it on!

First blessing

The video below shows the first blessing I received from Lama Wangdu. He had been fascinated with my eyebrow ring earlier in the day. And in the video you can see him play with again. Then he saw my lip ring.

Lama Wangdu brings such great joy to everything he does. He is simply the most beautiful spirit I have met!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Fire Puja

Tim tells me that I need some words up here. I apologize for the lack of words so far, but with 4 days left I'm trying to get all of my work done by tomorrow night so that I can spend the rest of the time with my family. I know you understand.

Here are photos from a Fire puja we participated in with Lama Wangdu Rinpoche in Portland Oregon in July. I hope you enjoy... I will get wordier when I have time. :)

Taking Refuge